The Inter-university Journal of Studies and Action-Research for the Development of Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific (IJSARD-ACP) is an international scientific project of the Cheikh Anta Diop Academic Society / CAD-AS (University of Douala-Cameroon). The objective of this project which is based on the South-South and North-South collaborations, is to promote the updating and densification of scientific and technical knowledge on societal and ecological dynamics in the ACP. In fact, the bodies of scientific and technical knowledge on these heterogeneous and complex dynamics suffer from quantitative and qualitative insufficiencies, and from obsolescence associated to a low renewal rate. To fight against these ailments, the CIERAD-ACP was created in 2015. It general policy is to promote scientific pan-Africanism which involves the active participation of senior and junior researchers from both the South and the North, in the development of the ACP. It is therefore a multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary platform for the publication of the results of original research that can help political decision-making. Thus, this initiative contributes to strengthening institutional and programmatic frameworks, as well as to improving managerial capacities in developing countries. This strategico-resilient vision has enabled the initiative to become the subject of a large consensus and to register the support of researchers from around twenty countries of the South and the North.
Détails du livre
Titre | : |
CIÉRAD-ACP, Volume N°18, Décembre 2024
Sous la Direction de | : | |
Editeur | : | Editions Cheikh Anta Diop |
Collection | : | Cahiers Inter-Universitaires d’Études et de Recherche-Actions pour le Développement de l’Afrique, des Caraïbes et du Pacifique |
ISSN | : | 2710-4621 |
Nombre de pages | : | 180 |
Dimensions | : | 18 x 26 cm |
Date de publication | : | 18 janvier 2025 |
Prix | : | Afrique : 25000 F.CFA / 38,08€ - Hors Afrique : 31565 F.CFA/48.08€ |
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