
This book raises the problem of rupture in children through fugue behavior and proposes to identify a psychological etiology of this behavior. After highlighting the difficulty of the existing literature in proposing a specifically psychological aetiology of the phenomenon, he explores, on the basis of systemic and cognitive approaches, the quality of the early and contemporary family interactions of the child that would justify his passage to the act at home in the fugue. The results lead to the development of a psychological profile of the runaway that reveals the existence of some of the vulnerabilities that would be put in place very early in the child and secondly the triggers of the transition to the act that would be contemporary to the fugue. The methodology and the tools used offer a clinical framework for the prevention and even the psychological and social care of the fugue.


Gilles C. NDJOMO is assistant clinical psychologist and health educator. He is involved in the Kangaroo Unit of the premature babies department of Laquintinie Hospital in Douala (HLD) and at the Institute of Applied Psychopathology Convergence Psy-Santé (ICPS). He is interested in the psychology of health, psychometrics, cognitive, affective and behavioral aspects of parent-child interactions and the cognitive and behavioral management of psychopathological disorders. He participated in the writing of several scientific articles. He is preparing a doctoral thesis in psychology of health and clinical psychology and intervenes as a non-permanent teacher in the Department of Psychology at the University of Douala.

Erero F. NJIENGWE is a psychopathologist, psychotherapist and clinical psychologist of cognitive-behavioral orientation (CBT), humanistic and integrative. He holds a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychopathology from the University of Toulouse II. He directs the Institute of Applied Clinical Psychopathology Convergence Psy-Santé (ICPS) in Douala and works in hospitals and clinics notably within the multidisciplinary team of the integrated center for the management of sickle cell disease Emmanuel BILLONG at Laquintine Hospital. of Douala. Lecturer in psychopathology and clinical psychology at the University of Douala, he coordinates the unit of psychopathology at the Laboratory of Behavioral Sciences and Applied Psychology (LAPSA) of the same university. He is author of several scientific articles and has participated in many books.

Details of the book

Title : LA FAMILLE DU FUGUEUR : Comprendre les dysfonctionnements interactionnels entre parents et enfant qui conduisent à la rupture.
Authorrs : Gilles C. NDJOMO, Erero F. NJIENGWE
Editor : Editions Cheikh Anta Diop
Collection : Collection Santé et Développement Humain
ISBN-13 : 978-9956-657-29-8
ISBN-10 :
Language : French
Number of pages : 233
Size : 16,5 X 24 cm
Date of publication : May 28, 2018
Price : Africa : 10 000 / 15 € - Out of Africa : 16 250 / 25 €
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