
The issue of freedom has been a major concern of mankind since its inception. Whatever the times and the latitudes, this question appears as a strong, constitutive requirement of the human race. If we maintain, with Aristotle, that all men, naturally, desire to know, we must continue and add that all men, wherever they are, also aspire, by nature, to be free. No one aspires to live as a slave or imprisoned. Because freedom, the quest for freedom, the enjoyment of freedom, corresponds to the deep being of every human being. How many wars, struggles, fights waged in the name of freedom? How many tears are there just to whisper his name or hear him say it? How many men left too early to defend it? If it is without a doubt what men are, freedom is never a given. It is still threatened by backward ideologies which pursue an ulterior purpose only to silence it. This is the case with religious fundamentalism, whether Islamic or Christian, as well as totalitarian or semi-totalitarian political regimes. But, even in democratic, or so-called democratic, societies, freedom must remain vigilant because it is not ad vitam aeternam safe from a liberticide. The Patriot Act signed in 2001 following the attacks of September 11, 2001 and the revelations, in 2013, of the whistleblower Edward Snowden on the mass surveillance programs (telephone tapping, Internet tapping…) (NSA), the American electromagnetic intelligence agency, constitute, for the Americans, concrete examples of restrictions on their freedom. This fourth issue of the thematic issue of Sophos magazine shows an interest in this notion of freedom. It is here, it is the case to say, freely questioned, probed, analyzed by researchers from various geographical and disciplinary horizons: philosophy, literature, sociology, legal sciences, anthropology, political sciences, aesthetics, psychology… This diversity heuristic and eristic, as well as geographical, contributes not only to enrich the debate, but also to open relevant fields of reflection on the situation of freedom in Africa. Which, as in the previous issues, fully anchors this fourth issue of the Sophos review in space as well as in time; helping to highlight this dimension which, for us, constitutes the real challenge of African research, that is to say to bring Africans to think for themselves. Only free minds are capable of doing this, as Hegel points out in the Principles of the Philosophy of Law: "The slave does not know his essence, nor his infinity, namely freedom, he does not know himself, that is, he does not think himself ”(1999: 103). "Properly African sources are irreplaceable" (1982: 45) will write René Luc Moreau in Muslim Africans: communities in movement. This is an assertion to which we fully subscribe and this fourth issue of the journal Sophos, like the previous publications, also contributes to this. Where is the issue of freedom in Africa? The thematic contributions of this fourth issue, in a disciplinary diversity, far from all pathos, try to answer this fundamental question in an objective way, without caricature, by showing the limits, the advances and by formulating original proposals which, without being stipulative , hope, for the greater good of African research, to continue the debate. Happy reading to all, and good luck to Sophos !!! Dr. Symphorien NGUEMA EZEMA

Book détails

Title :

SOPHOS,Revue Internationale de Lettres, Arts, Sciences Humaines et Sociales. Numéro 4, février 2020

Editor : Editions Cheikh Anta Diop
ISBN : 987-9956-657-76-6
Number of pages : 646
Dimensions : 26,5 X 33,5 cm
Date of publication : January 29, 2020
Price : Africa : 19 680 Francs CFA / 30 € - Out of Africa : 26 240 / 40 €
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