
Despite some rare quality works on the secretary of American State department, the thesis of Francis Fukuyma remains not very well known by University scholars. Readers are more sensible to the title of his book. The end of the story and the last man whereas, the popular Tunisian, Egyptian and Libyan revolts are almost synchronized in the arabo-African countries (it is what we call the arabo spring, inaugurated in 2011 with the breaking of dictatorship chairs) permit us today to convict Francis Fukuyama whose thesis in its depth questions posterity; a blind posterity to the truth at hand, being a prey to a continuous delirium, in difficulty to group the truth which was unveiled. Since the, this book is aiming to precise the different senses of the word ``history``, but equally to insist on the conceptual content, the theoretical singularity and the pertinence it gives to Francis Fukuyama: the simple and coherent process of evolution which takes into consideration all the people at the some time. It then leads to the coming of liberal democracy as the final point of ideological evolution of humanity and the final form to all human government. This is why the antipodes of the reception of Francis Fukuyama by S.P. Huntington, Alexandre Del Valle and many others commenter, we should rather understand it form.`` History`` which extends to archeology history of political principles, that is , in the necessity to bring to light real relationship between history and theory, in a universalisable and universal orientation in a manner of being able to subvert the conventional sense of upcoming events.

The author

Pamphile BIYOGHÉ is University Lecturer, grade A (CAMES) and instructor of records - Competition of the CAMES. In service at the École Normale Supérieure de Libreville (Gabon), his fields of research and expertise are: ethics, moral and political philosophy, philosophy of history, philosophy of war, political theory, history of political ideas, political communication. He is Senior Coordinator of Sophos, the International Journal of Letters, Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, published by the Department of Philosophy of ENS Libreville. He is author and co-author of several scientific publications, and is a member of several Laboratories, Research Groups, and Learned Societies.

Details of the book

Title : Francis Fukuyama : Solitude, Singularité et Pertinence. Au-delà de la trahison par la postérité
Author : Pamphile BIYOGHÉ
Editor : Editions Cheikh Anta Diop
Collection : Caytou 1923 , N°2
ISBN-13 : 978-9956-657-10-7
Language : French
Number of pages : 144
Size : 15 X 22 cm
Publication date : 19 may 2017
Price : Africa : 10 000 / 15,25 € - Out of Africa : 16 400 / 25 €
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