The author
Célestin Xavier TELE was born on February 25, 1985 in Mfou (Cameroon). He is from the department of Lekie in the central region of Nlongbon, a small village located 7 km from Monatele. He began his studies at the nursery school of Mfou in 1989, after his primary education, he attended the industrial and commercial technical high school of the same city (1997-2002) where he learned the trade. His failure in the CAP requires a reorientation, then he enters the Protestant College Andjongo Noa Jean Mfomakap (Obala). There he gets all his secondary education diplomas (with a BEPC in reinforced English). He continued his philosophy studies at the Otele Major Seminary and then at the University of Yaoundé I where he obtained a license in Ontology -Metaphysics. Currently religious of the Priestly Brotherhood St Benedict Joseph Labre, he is actively pursuing research in homeopathic medicine, herbal medicine and parallel research in philosophical anthropology. He is a specialist in blood purification.
Details of the book
Title | : | L’Homme dans l’histoire des civilisations: Une critique de l’anthropologie classique dans un essai de compréhension des sociétés plus actuelles |
Author | : | Célestin Xavier TELE |
Editor | : | Editions Cheikh Anta Diop |
Collection | : | Collection Historiographie du Monde Contemporain |
ISBN-13 | : | 978-9956-657-47-4 |
Language | : | French |
Number of pages | : | 258 |
Size | : | 34.5X 24.5 cm |
Publication date | : | January 21, 2019 |
Price | : | Africa : 16 400 F.cfa / 25 € - Out of Africa : 19 680 F.cfa / 30 € |
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