
Title: African theology: the great trends of thought The African theological discussion is not exclusively to its Judeo-Christian and arabo-islamic configuration. It should comeback t its mother land: It is the entire stake of egypto-rubian paradigm and that of black Arabian. It is in the honor of some afro-Christian and Muslim theologians of haven taken the measure of egypto-rubian background in their studies. It is up to know if the afro-Christians for example and the theologians of the contemporary world in their set have sufficiently understood that Nubia and Egypt constitute a condition of possibility to the understanding of their spiritual heritage. Has the moment not come to make a step ahead: restitute to egypt-rubian paradigm its historical anteriority and recognize its sublimity and its unfading nature? We have not stop to locate this latter through the erudition of great hymn of Akhenaton, at the same time it is carrier of a set of cardinal attributes from the thought of the Nile valley and from the egypto-rubian perception of universe in its totality and the ontological base in recognizing black people from the Nile, in quest of reconnexion with their multimillenium origin. Through our theological corpus, we rejoice of haven given to African theologians the occasion to know so as to show the youth, the theological importance of the tridimensionality of African antiquities without making economy of Judeo-Christian contribution.

The author

KALAMBA NSAPO is professor and Dean of the faculty of intercultural studies of Bruxelles and professor at the university Per Ankh of Renaissance. Holder of a PHD in theological sciences at the catholic university of Lourain and Diplomate in philosophy, he carries out researches in theology, religious anthropology, inter-culturality, African religions, sociology, historiography, African literatures (kasala). He is in charge of researches at the African University institute of prospective studies whose headquarter is in Kinshasa. He is equally

Details of the book

Title : Théologie Africaine : les grands courants de pensée
Editor : Editions Cheikh Anta Diop
Collection : Collection Sciences Egyptologiques et Développement
ISBN-13 : 978-9965-657-04-2
ISBN-10 :
Language : French
Number of pages : 370
Size :
Publication date : 27 september 2016
Price : 19 680 / 30 €
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